Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Covid19 ressurection - Locked down in Yorkshireshireshire. Part 4

 #22/09/2020 Albert here. News update. The Covid is once again raging outside. The germs are winning and quickly spreading. A second wave. So tonight I warn you that the situation is once again very serious. Even Boris thinks so. Little Walt's engine has become trapped at Basils Polishing Shop. With no end to freedom in sight we can only hope that repatriation with his frame and wheels will happen in our lifetime. 

In the far distant future are the answers as to why and who will know, and when they will know has yet to be decided.

Electronic commumication continues between The Old Sidevalve Bar and Basils Polishing Shop. Within these missives was news of Little Walt's engine. He's made himself at home and has his own bed. Crisp white sheets and jolly comfortable they look too.

And he gets to play with his new pal Freddie whenever he wants, so yeah there you have it. It's now a waiting game.

In the meantime it's a Lockdown life for Little Walt. 

I spy with my little eye....a beer barrel full of homebrew....Oh yes - tankard dipping time !

Stay safe -