Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Covid19 ressurection - Locked down in Yorkshireshireshire. Part 5

Greetings..It is 'I' your scribe Albert Crackleport sending a sanitized missive into the digital mayhem that is now controlling life on planet Earth. Mega-omputors collating every scrap of personal data....the power of Google... Don't end up like Paul Bennewitz....being sucked in to the matrix....Ah, too late most of G4 receivers are already lost.  Good job I have the sense to convert all Vintafaking news into analogue...If ya fitted with valves then yipee....ya incoming waves will continual ebbing and flowing......non stop Amplitude Modulated........ Cats Wisker twitching off the scale!

Here's what communication on the airwaves looked like when Little Walt took to the road for the first time.... in around 1926...    Saturday night special - Miss Rene Maxwell belting out a good la la la sing song in screechy soprano...eeeekkk!

Danger....Valve about to blow.....

Oh, Let's fast forwaaaard to the year 2020. The month of November, What can I say without repeating myself......I'm still in Lockdown. A new word for 2020 and now spoken in every sentence. Understood by all and adhered to by few. Hey it's worth 18 points on the scrabble board though.

That's my life...Locked down - I'm ok with that, not like I'm short of shed projects. The engine of Little Walt is still being fed and watered at Spluts Polishing Shop. Caught in the Covid19 anti movement net. Will be a bit of a bummer if I'm charged storage.!!! Can I get it back?  Maybe I can do a Click and Collect? or pay with shadow economy currency......How does a gallon of stout sound? or maybe a clandestine meeting with Splut down by Thackley Railway Tunnel disguised as twitchers?

 Yep, gonna contact Splut and see if he has an old raincoat and binoculars...Nobody will suspect.

Posh.....beer.  (Scrabble score 6 points).  

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