Progress report by Albert Crackleport. - News? Chuffin NEWS!!! I'm sat here shaking my head in slow side to side movements and at the same time and much slower rolling my eyes upwards. "Well you silly man" you may shout, "What's rattled you?" Hang on... hang much can a chap take before pouring an extremely large sherry and helping himself to several cheese/pineapple cocktail stick nibbles....
Blighty News....(which helps put this jotting in time, place and space) is the disaster around the world regarding covid and it's still ongoing....blooming serious! Too right. BUT!!! Outside of 'The Shire' and further darn sarfff where the silly willy clowns that govern our land live the T.V. news discussions are on 'Boris's curtains.....How much did they cost? I can hardly lift one finger across the keyboard to type... F.F.S. He's a public schoolboy blagger and don't ya know it. Ya did know before casting ya vote surely !!!! Well known for taking anyones money especially the taxpayers, Thank goodness The Old Sidevalve Bar doesn't have a currency, I have a special world trading agreement in place, swapping goods and labour for sausage sandwiches', huge croissants and snifters of Barley wine. None taxable but rather a pain to carry around in a wallet. Hey Ho!
Back to Little Walt. The little chap is complete, next step is to apply for a dating certificate. Not one that may come from 32 Ambleside Avenue. Streatham. (Rather a famous dating agency in the 60's) Nay, Little Walts dating certificate will have to come from a motorcycle club that has access to old records of the relevant machine manufacturer. To obtain such a document I have to provide photographic evidence of Frame Number, Engine Number together with several photo's showing both sides clearly. Attached to such valuable information needs to be a bankers cheque valued in G.B.P. and not sausage sandwiches.
Stress....don't know which is more stressful....Waiting for a successful dating search or the birth of a first born.. Either one takes what seems like ages to arrive and is accompanied with huge puffing and blowing as it emerges into the daylight.
Finally the big day.... He's from the year 1926....... and now has roots...I have the certificate to prove it..
Then more form filling to answer questions posed by Big Mother Computor of vehicle registration, another bankers cheque valued once again in G.B.P. and another wait......
1926, by 'eck, them the'er Raleigh riders knew how to clock up tha' wins!!!!
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