Thursday, 10 June 2021

Covid19 ressurection - Locked down in Yorkshireshireshire. (Vintafake or Art for Art sake? you decide)Part 13

 Greetings......Yep, You've landed. Welcome to one of the internets smallest digital silicon chips, a.k.a. 'The Old Sidevalve Bar'. but shame on you if you knew nothing of the 'Crackle Dynasty' before today. A non profit early learning hub with an online database of Vintafake and Derring Do that is nothin' short of a national treasure.

Anyhows this very blog page is a biggy. This could well be the final chapter to a very long story that the whole world has been waited for. (and of course to any alien species that are intersecting this intersepting missive.) Blimey, imagine the interseption of space with the thoughts of Albert Crackleport... Posh!!! Have I beer-houred too early?

Nay, no beer hour is early, only just in time.!!!!

So, flopping onto the doormat in an unceremonious flutter came a missive from Big Mother down in Swansea. Our Postie is a master at flopping all sorts of suspicious packages through our box without a sound so it remained in a state of laying un-noticed for several hours. "Behold more shitte" I cried as my eyes caught a glimpse of another possible credit card application form.  But no, this was a small brown envelope with a secret inside, information that only someone in Welshman land knew.   Yes you've guessed it...D.V.L.A. had made contact..... 

Opened with trembling hands it did in fact bring instructions....

Oh blimey, what do you make of that? Episode 13 of a lock down story... Started with a sausage buttie and then to end like this...What will 'Little Walt' think?.....


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